News Release

News Release
Press Release

Toyobo MC’s BREATHAIR™, a three-dimensional network structured fiber material, used in seatback supporter for “ROV Concept,” LEXUS’s first vehicle with a hydrogen engine

BREATHAIR™, a three-dimensional network structured fiber material manufactured and sold by Toyobo MC Corporation (referred to below as “Toyobo MC,” Main Office: Kita Ward, Osaka City; President & Representative Director, CEO: Chikao Morishige) has been adopted for the seatback supporter of the vehicle used in the customer experience program to be launched by Lexus International (referred to below as “LEXUS”) for the “ROV Concept” (referred to below as ROV), LEXUS’s first vehicle equipped with a hydrogen engine.

This seatback supporter, which is placed in front of the backrest of the seat as needed, will allow more customers to enjoy a pleasant driving experience, thanks to special attention devoted to the driving position in the ROV.

Press Release


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